Building Skills Enabling Participation
LEAP Occupational Therapy provides a variety of services for people living on the North West Coast of Tasmania. We operate from central locations to ensure accessibility for participants across the North West Coast.
LEAP Occupational Therapy is a service that has been developed to provide people with support based on the framework of Occupational Therapy. LEAP pride themselves on delivering evidence based, person centered practice that focuses on improving functional performance across all ages and developmental stages.
As a service the Operational Team at LEAP are available to participants, their families and support staff which ensures the service remains flexible to the needs of the people we support.
- Supported Independent Living (SIL)
- 1:1 Support
- Short Term Accommodation (STA) – Respite
- Support Coordination, including Specialist Support Coordination
LEAP have a team of experienced support workers that can provide 1:1 supports in the home or community. All 1:1 supports are encouraged to have a skill development element to ensure maximisation of independence for all LEAP’s participants.
LEAP provide supported accommodation located in Ulverstone, Wynyard, Devonport & Latrobe for people requiring standard to complex support. LEAP’s supported accommodation can be a permanent placement or transitional based on assessment of functional performance and long term support needs. If you are interested in working for us please email us at admin@leapocc.com.au for further information.
LEAP have established relationships with services across the North West Coast of Tasmania and the local National Disability Insurance Scheme Agency. LEAP are able to take your NDIS plan and put it into action ensuring you receive quality service provision that is reflective of your individual needs and goals. LEAP have qualified clinicians with Social Worker and Occupational Therapy backgrounds to provide this service to ensure that your coordination of service is of the best quality.

Leap Occupational Therapy charge the price limit in the NDIS Support Catalogue for all supports.
Please refer to the latest NDIS Price Guide – Click Here
Compliment and Complaints
We want your feedback; it may be a complaint or a compliment. Feedback helps us improve our service and empowers the people we support to have their voice heard.
Click here to complete our online form. You can also contact Paul Collins on (03) 6425 1545
Choice and Control
People living with a disability must have choice and control over how they live their life and how they are supported to do this. This means you make the decisions about:
- Who provides your support
- How your support funding is managed
- How your support is planned and provided
There are many ways we support people with choice and control and all people receiving services from us are welcome to come into the office to have a chat or give us a call on (03) 6425 1545
If you need help making a decision or feel you are not being heard by your service provider, you can get help from an Advocate.
The Speak Out Association of Tasmania is an advocacy service for people with disability, and membership organisation for people with intellectual disability. Click here.
Advocacy Tasmania provides free, confidential independent and professional help if you are unable to speak for yourself or finding it difficult. Click here or phone 1800 005 131.
The Association for Children with a Disability (Tas) Inc are a state-wide non profit disability specialist family organisation. Click here or phone 1800 244 742.